Kansiime Malawi Show Tickets Sell Out 34 Hours Earlier


Comedian Anne Kansiime seems to be the hottest export from Uganda currently after she tickects for her comedy show in Malawi sold out, over 30 hours to the event.

Kansiime jetted into Malawi on Thursday along with her manager Johnson Mujungu and her creative director Cotilda Inapo, also a comedian.

“The Kansiime comedy show convener tells me this morning that the 1600 pre-sale tickets to the show are sold out. Show begins at 8pm and ends 10pm Saturday May 17,” an excited Mujungu Friday morning announced on the Comedian’s Facebook page.

“Malawians got too much love for your ninja girl! It Is the same love we are feeling. Thank you God.”

Upon getting to Malawi, Kansiime and her team were overwhelmed by the love they received. The group was accorded a VIP reception at Lilongwe International airport, sumptuous malawi food before summing up the day with a Press conference.”

“And these journalists were not asking questions like how old are you, how is your marriage……The warmth of this heart of Africa could be felt even before the journey started but we definitely had not expect it as much as this.”

The comedian added that before calling it a day, they toured the venue where the show is to be held on Saturday.

“We toured a bit of Lilongwe and as you can imagine the day was just too short. And we are exhausted like there is no tomorrow.”

Kansiime has of recent emerged as one of the best comedians on the continent, winning several international awards.

She is currently working with Citizen TV, a Kenyan based TV station.


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